Assosecurity, association for the promotion of e-security, organizes SafetyKids@schools, training courses for teachers to promote safer internet for children and youngster in primary and secondary schools. The aim is to increase the teachers’ awareness about potential risk of social media, gaming and, more generally, multimedia misuse.
These media, that often are the real center of teens and pre-teens social life, might cause dependency, sex abuse and difficulty in relationship, as their impact in broadening any personal message and content is potentially very high. This makes relevant that teachers are fully aware of the dynamics and the social impact of these media, together with technical competence about IT security, legal aspects and psychological effect of excessive use and misuse.
The courses are structured in 3 main topics, Security, Law, Pedagogy, and will be held for more than 20 teachers for each session foreseen in Piedmont and Tuscany from now to end of 2013 and are held in Piemonte and Toscana, two Italian Regions with a special focus on innovation in the education sector. The aim of promoters, among them research and IT security specialized bodies, the regional school office, a pedagogues association.
The initiative is promoted by Assosecurity, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale del Piemonte (the regional authority for schools), CNR IIT Pisa, ANPE – Associazione Nazionale dei Pedagogisti Italiani (Italian association of pedagogues) and Centro Nexa of the Politecnico di Torino (competence center on Internet economy and society). CSP contributes to the initiative as a member of the Assosecurity association.
Further information at the website