Following its different fields of specialization CSP has developed Android apps devoted to support users in their daily life.
Agriculture, health, environmental awareness and protection are the fields on which efforts have been focused.
Sigevi, is a precision agriculture project with special reference to wine sector, where a wireless sensor network offers a wide range of data to enologists, in order to define farming strategies and plant disease prevention. Professionals can collect, analyse and share data by means of tablet and the Sigevi app, which interacts with sensors in order create an historical data base of meteo and plant pathology.
Concerning health sector, the application field focuses on autism and related pathologies. The result is Tools4autism, a suite of applications developed in order to support patient and their families in the daily life and schedules, following the pattern called “social histories”.
The last field of application is environmental awareness and wearable technologies with the EU Everyaware project, the aim of which is to collect data on air pollution, the sharing of them in order to change citizen behavior with knowledge and consciousness of pollution impact on health.
The Airprobe app, interacts with a portable set of sensors, that analyze the air quality during the usual walk or bike way. On that base pollution data suggest how to change life style both in terms of level of pollution and contexts frequented.
See all CSP app con Google Play store.