The Piemonte regional analysis concentrates on the current use of web 2.0 applications in the education sector in the five regions. It was therefore surveyed through telephone/face-to-face interviews with key representatives of VET and Adult training institutions. A total of 50 institutions took then part at the regional round table (13 in Baden-Württemberg (D), 9 in Piemonte (I), 10 in Wales (UK), 10 in Extremadura (ES), 8 in Vlaams-Brabant (BE)).
The analysis shows that even if almost all the institutions are fully aware of the range of web 2.0 applications available on the internet, there are still very few who regularly use those applications to offer more collaborative and learner centred trainings.
See all details reading in the SVEA official website.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.