The European Game Jam Learning Hub, JamToday, is a thematic network cofunded with the CIP Programme. It aims to establish a central networking hub for the sustainable implementation and uptake of the next generation of educational games across Europe.
Game-based learning is becoming more and more popular, with many “serious games” now being developed. But not enough attention is given to how to implement these games in learning environments and how to make sure there are significant learning outcomes.
The objective of the JamToday network is to use the principles of applied game design to create useful and meaningful games, but also to explicate and design the context (such as the classroom or curriculum) in which game can be most effectively implemented and used.
In particular the project will organize a series of game jams. Game Jams have been organized for several years around the world and are perceived as a powerful instrument to stimulate innovation in the creation, development and deployment of educational games. Game Jams are events similar to hackathons focused on game development. Typically organised for 48 hours and simultaneously conducted in various locations throughout the world, Game Jams offer the possibility to develop an idea into an innovative solution.
Game Jams have been instrumental in stimulating innovation in the creation, implementation and deployment of educational games. Jamtoday will support this by creating toolkits and providing support for events across Europe, at local, regional and national levels. And given the emerging focus on new learning environments, Jamtoday will also support the move towards games as contextual interventions and foster awareness-raising and innovation between the games and learning sectors with the intention of demonstrating real-life impact.
In this sense, the task of the project is to help turn learning professionals into educational designers with the help of game design knowledge and practice. Equally, we can help to turn learners into game-based thinkers and from only being technology users to becoming ICT practitioners with a corresponding abilility to express themselves in videogames as a medium.
Each year, JamToday will provide opportunities to collaborate at local, regional, national and European levels by establishing a series of game jam around different themes: first of all improving ICT skills , such as learning coding skill or creating games. Other topic of the game jams orgnaized will be about adopting healthier lifestyles (such as healthy eating or changing antisocial behavior) an supporting learning of mathematics (such
The aim is to provide a bridge between different sectors to guarantee the successful uptake of the next generation of educational games across Europe. The project will provide the necessary structure, guidace, tools and support to get involved.
Partners: Stichting Hogeschool Voor De Kunsten Utrecht Hkk – Utrecth Netherlands, Stichting Dutch Game Garden Dgg – Utrecth Netherlands, MFG MEDIEN-UND FILMGESELLSCHAFT BADEN-WUERTTEMBERG – Stutgard Germany, European Network of Living Labs ENoLL – Brussels Belgium, CLICKS AND LINKS LTD CL, Manchester United Kingdom, CSP – INNOVAZIONE NELLE ICT Turin, Italy, FH JOANNEUM GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. FHJ – Graz Austria , Zürcher Hochschule Der Künste ZHDK – Zurich Switzerland, ASOCIACION CENTRO EUROPEO DE EMPRESAS E INNOVACION DEL PRINCIPADO DE ATURIAS CEEI – Spain, CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS CNAM – Paris France, THE GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY GCU – Glasgow United Kingdom, FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO DI MILANO – Milan Italy , U. College of New Technologies ENT- Barcelona, Spain, GEMEENTE UTRECH – City of Utrech Netherlands, UNIVERSITAET LINZ JKU – Linz Austria, ARC CONSULTING EOOD ARCC – Sofia Bulgaria, VANDEJONG BV VDJ – Amsterdam Netherlands, AGE PLATFORM EUROPE AISBL AGE – Brussels Belgium, MATHEMA SRL – Florence Italy, Macromedia GmbH MHMK – Munich Germany, KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL LIMBURG VZW – Hasselt, Belgium, FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA PEL FOMENT DE LA SOCIETAT DEL CONEIXEMENT CITILAB – Barcelona Spain, ATIT BVBA – Leuven Belgium, STOCKPORT METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL – Stockport United Kingdom, EUROKLEIS Spa – Rome Italy