A project against violence in the network The main problem that will be addressed by the project is the lack…
Respect for and tolerance to diversity are fundamental European values. Nevertheless, the recent economic and financial crisis reinforced significantly the…
Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean literacy in Europe ResponSeable aims at supporting the emergence of an effective and dynamic…
The European Game Jam Learning Hub, JamToday, is a thematic network cofunded with the CIP Programme. It aims to establish…
The MEDEA2020 project responds to a growing pressure to provide more relevant and attractive learning opportunities to citizens through the…
Platform featuring a set of software applications developed for multitouch surfaces and other natural interfaces, initially designed for people with…
Personal Guide is a customised and customisable guide which enables the user to create tourist and cultural routes in indoor…
EMMA-European Multi Mooc Aggregator is a pilot action co-funded within the European Programme CIP. EMMA’s goal is to pilot a…
The Telescuola project has been promoted by the ICT Laboratory of the Piemonte Region – Innovation Department, which has launched,…
The EU-Project SMARD has been designed to fill the existing gap within the exploitation chain between successful Networked Media Research…