- ResponSEAble Project: Four years to understand how the Ocean is important
- CSP at A&T event with Smart-Space project
- SMART SPACE: Transnational Open Call for Experts
- A learning game for ocean literacy and education to sustainability
- THE4BEES’ final event – #Usersfirst – Tuesday 23 October, 2018 – Turin
- New Article from COEGSS project: GSS and HPC
- HackaTown: The IoT Interoperability Hackathon
- ResponSEAble Webinars: registrations are open
- New articles from COEGSS project: City evolution and Green Growth
- BIG IoT Second Open Call
- BIG IoT: Easier and healthy mobility: the Piedmont Pilot
- COEGSS: agent based model for smoking prevalence
- THE4BEES Partner Meeting in Fribourg (CH)
- THE4BEES a new Video!
- Smart-Manufacturing for Alpine Space
- Free from CyberViolence
- THE4BEES: first LoRa test at the Alpine Hut Selleries
- Here the new sensing board for THE4BEES project
- Live from Iseo Lake