Legal informations

CSP Innovazione nelle ICT is a limited liability organisation, with Tax ID Code, VAT number and company registration number 05706110011 (Turin), REA 730029

Head offices: Strada del Lionetto, 6 – 10146 Torino
Tel. +39 011 4815111 Fax +39 011 4815001 e-mail: innovazione<at>
Certified email:csp-innovazioneict<at>

This Internet site and its contents, however – unless otherwise stated – belong exclusively to CSP – innovazione nelle ICT s.c. a r.l. (© Copyright CSP – Innovazione nelle ICT s.c. a r.l. 2016 – All rights reserved) and are protected by enforceable laws, although CSP will use Creative Commons licences to favour distribution for documents and material whenever possible, or at least indicate more detailed conditions of use compared to those generally applied.

By “Site” we mean web pages (considered both individually and as a group including their physical appearance and contents) within the dominion, its layout and graphic contents, html code and structure, organisation, choice of contents, coordination, its look and feel, the technologies and programmes, processes and methods used in order to manage the Site and, in general, all those elements that make up the Site.

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The above-mentioned Authors are indicated on the Site with conditions of use, by and according to law.

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Although CSP does everything possible to publish material that is up to date and correct and carries out, as far as possible, a preventive check on material that third parties ask to be published on the Site, this Site, the documents and in general all that it contains are presented “as is” in the state they are found in and CSP – innovazione nelle ICT s.c. a r.l. does not supply any declarations, guarantees or assistance, either expressed or implicit, referring to these contents or availability or unavailability of the Site (being, as it happens, excluded from the guarantee of suitability with a specific aim, marketability, not violating third parties’ rights, absence of mistakes or defects). Use of material and access to the Site are the exclusive responsibility and decision of the visitor and CSP accepts no responsibility whatsoever for damages caused by using or not using the Site or the material published on it. Except under binding limits of law, and in particular responsibility in case of malice or serious offence, CSP –
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CSP – innovazione nelle ICT s.c. a r.l. invites users to send any communication, report of violation or request regarding using the Site’s material, including images, text, audio, presentations, graphics or other material, to or contact CSP on 011 4815111.

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Other Internet sites that can be accessed from the Site via links on the Site cannot be controlled by CSP – innovazione nelle ICT s.c. a r.l., and can therefore in no way be held responsible for the contents or services offered by those sites.