
CSP is active along the Technlogy Transfer process. CSP perfroms RTD activities  in Collaborative projects with businesses and RTD, the Technology Labs and in the Joint Labs with Academy and businesses, then transfers innovation results to SMEs within the I4B Technology Transfer Programme,  to schools within the Innovation programs with schools and in the several active Living Labs over the Piemonte area. CSP is active at international level in some European projects. Finally, CSP acts as externalized research lab for RTD activities commissioned by partner enterprises. 


Living Labs

Living Labs represent an authentic innovation in the methodological approach of research projects: direct involvement of end-users and co-design make possibile for ICTs to impact in the territory involving all stakeholders and paying attention to both technical, economic and environmental sustainability.
CSP has been active on that front since 2005, when the first Living Lab was set up in the Alpine area Orco and Soana Valleys: after analyising the territory and in light of regional policy priorities, a representative testbed is chosen so to make possible to export the resulting model into similar contexts.
In fact, each Living Lab is realised through several steps: preliminary activities are meant firstly to involve local institutional referents, subsequently to collect all necessary information to point out specific goals, then to co-design the solution and finally to realise the project.
Its realisation foresees the involvement of end-users, who are intended both as testers of implemented ICT solutions and, referring specifically to businesses, as subjects who are interested in taking over infrustructures and related services to guarantee their economic sustainability at the end of the trial.
CSP is member of the ENOLL, the EU Living Lab Network.

Collaborative projects with businesses and RTD

Industrial-research and experimental-development collaborative projects on a regional, national and european level are the result of the joint submission with businesses and other different subjects of project proposals in response to european calls and invitations to tenders.

Commissioned industrial research & experimental development projects

CSP develops research projects, which go as far as to the realisation of prototypes and demonstrators, after specific demands coming from both the businesses and other subjects.

Joint Labs with the Academy and businesses

Università di Torino and Politecnico di Torino are the core of the cooperation which gave life to CSP technical laboratories, that work following yearly research plans under CSP technical supervision and academy’s scientific guidance.
But academic partnerships go behind regional borders. Several cooperation agreements with important national and international research bodies are the means for CSP to open new research lines and compete within calls for proposals.
The second premises inside the Politecnico di Torino is intended to strengthen this long running relationship and has launched a new way to cooperate with companies, the “Joint Labs”.

I4B-Innovation4Business: the Technology Transfer Programme

Innovation4Business – I4B – is CSP Technology Transfer Program. It was conceived and implemented thanks to Piemonte Regional Government’s contribution.
I4B aims to favour innovation into local companies through ICTs use. CSP makes available for SMEs and local communities technologies and prototypes resulting from its own research activity. Every year a catalogue of assets – about 30 per year– is published and offered to companies to develop products and services.

Innovation programs with schools

CSP has a long-standing tradition of operating innovation projects in schools, thanks to strong cooperation relationships, not only with the goal to transfer innovation culture, ICTs and research results but also to open a fruitful exchange-channel between two apparently distant universes: school and research activity.
Innovation & Creativity for School  is the contest where teams of students have to develop technological projects using CSP’s assets.
Furthermore, within the initiative CSP@scuola groups of students have realised real ICT projects with the help of CSP’s researchers.
Secondary school students have developed multitouch apps for the education of people with autism – T4A project. These initiatives are just some examples of CSP’s work with schools.