During last years CSP is working in over 30 projects in several domains, ranging from Energy, Environment and Smart building, to Health, well-being & disability, to Digital networks, to Digital creativity, Knowledge & learning, to Agrofood, to Secure society & Civil Protection.
Most of the projects embed the Internet of Things model and the Open Innovation approach.
Explore CSP projects, both running and completed, from this page.
Center of Excellence of Global System Science
Developing evidence and understanding concerning Global Systems and related policies is rapidly becoming a vital challenge for modern societies. It…
SMART SPACE. Digital Innovation to meet Alpine social & economic challenges
The EU manufacturing sector, apart from financial services, is the second largest sector in terms of employees & turnover and the…
A project against violence in the network The main problem that will be addressed by the project is the lack…
Teaching in Diversity
Respect for and tolerance to diversity are fundamental European values. Nevertheless, the recent economic and financial crisis reinforced significantly the…
ASSET: People Kounter
People Kounter is one of CSP technology asset. counts the number of people who pass a certain point or gateway,…
ResponSEAble. Protecting the Ocean
Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean literacy in Europe ResponSeable aims at supporting the emergence of an effective and dynamic…
HPWNet – High performance wireless network
HPWNet is an experimental wireless network developed by CSP since 2005. The project started with two aims: to develop a…
SALVEREMO – Automatic localization system for dispersed people in mountain remote areas
SALVEREMO is an applied research project aimed at developing an innovative system for mountain search and rescue of people lost…
CReATE – ICT Innovations in Creative Industries
Creating a Joint Research Agenda for promoting ICT-based innovations in Creative Industries aims to promote the innovation potential of the…
ASSET: Multiple POE via UTP cable
This multiple power system enables a series of devices to be powered through a UTP cable, without the need for…
Jam Today – Learning to change learning
The European Game Jam Learning Hub, JamToday, is a thematic network cofunded with the CIP Programme. It aims to establish…
ASSET: DAB/DAB+ Transmitter
It is a transmitter software that broadcasts a digital radio channel conforming to the DAB/DAB+ standard. The system encodes and…
LIMPID-Live Inducement of Multimodality by Promoting the Internet of Data
LIMPID aims to apply the IOT paradigm in the transport domain. In order to monitor traffic, and other parameters, it…
Traffic counter
Traffic Counter is a software that provides an estimate of traffic flow and density on selected stretches of road, using automatic…
Intelligent Bypass Unit
Intelligent Bypass Unit is an embedded sysem enables a damaged server or filtering system to be “physically” bypassed, increasingly the reliability…
Meteo2850: the Ciardoney glacier
Internet and advanced services in the high mountains are one of the main CSP’s research domains. The METEO2850 project, running…
MEDEA2020 – Media and Learning: Exploiting European Know- How
The MEDEA2020 project responds to a growing pressure to provide more relevant and attractive learning opportunities to citizens through the…
BOOGAMES – Boosting the European Games Industry
The digital games market is a fast growing market within Creative Industries sector: the global demand for digital games is…
PITAGORA – Interoperable Platform for gathering, management and organization of environmental data
PITAGORA is based on the paradigm of ILBM (Integrated Lake Basin Management) and embeds the Living Lab model for the…
Viniveri: technological innovation in the vineyard
In the innovation in the agro-food sector, agriculture is approaching ICT, both in terms of agronomic management and in terms…
Transparent roaming
Transparent roaming is an application for Android smartphones that grants transparent access to federated WiFi networks or, more in general,…
SIGEVI: management and DSS of the vineyard supply-chain
Growing processes are conditioned by environmental factors such as temperature, solar radiation, humidity and rain. Thermic conditions are strictly involved…
Touch&Play Framework
Platform featuring a set of software applications developed for multitouch surfaces and other natural interfaces, initially designed for people with…
The Living Labs: Smart Valley
Smart Valley is a Living Lab focused on energy saving in schools, developed by CSP in collaboration with several small…
Personal guide
Personal Guide is a customised and customisable guide which enables the user to create tourist and cultural routes in indoor…
EMMA – European Multi Mooc Aggregator
EMMA-European Multi Mooc Aggregator is a pilot action co-funded within the European Programme CIP. EMMA’s goal is to pilot a…
OpenAlps – Open Innovation in Alpine SMEs
OpenAlps was an Alpine Space project in the programming period 2007-14. The nine partner institutions from Germany, France, Italy, Slovenia…
EVERYAWARE – Enhancing environmental awareness through social information
The FP7-FET project Everyaware aims at combining environmental monitoring, awareness-raising and behavior change through a new technological platform which allows…
ASSET: MHYSS–Measurement of Hydric Stress System
MHYSS – Measurement of Hydric Stress System are ICT solutions designed to measure levels of hydric stress in plants, using rain…
I4schools – Innovation&Creativity 4 schools
INNOVATION & CREATIVITY4SCHOOLS is a contest open to Piemonte high schools. The contest is proposed by CSP in collaboration with…
Innovation4Business – I4B – is a programme for technology transfer launched by CSP – Innovazione nelle ICT in collaboration with…
BEE – Building Energy Ecosystems
The BEE project aims at the development of a small Smart Grid in a mixed agricultural – industrial site. Starting…
Gate Management System
Gate Management System combines a web platform and an app for Android devices to manage vehicle access to controlled areas. It…
The Telescuola project has been promoted by the ICT Laboratory of the Piemonte Region – Innovation Department, which has launched,…
SMARD – European Support Framework on networked Media R&D for SMEs
The EU-Project SMARD has been designed to fill the existing gap within the exploitation chain between successful Networked Media Research…
SVEA – Promoting web 2.0 uptake for organisational and personnel development in Vocational Education and Training and adult training
SVEA addresses the collaboration and web 2.0 skills of teachers and trainers in both Vocational Education and Training (VET) and…
Living Labs: the Torino botanical garden
The use of energy-efficient sensors for the detection of environmental and renewable energy were the central themes of the Living…
WASGO – Workflow Management System
The project WASGO – Workflow Management System is a concrete answer to the needs of structuring, quality and competitiveness that companies…
Promo Eye – integrated open source video promotion system
System for video surveillance and video promotion for tourism purposes. Features include: centralised management of IP cameras, user and group…
Sensor widgets
Widgets for Android smartphones and tablets that visualise data from individual sensors in real time or on demand. The data…
Multi-function, open, customisable, portable, low energy consumption, embedded system that monitors environmental signals of various kinds using probes. The system…
Internet of Things Platform
The Internet of Things Platform gathers and publishes data from different types of sensors in a given area connected to…