CSP has adopted the Living Lab approach since 2009 as leading methodology to promote and transfer innovation around the Piemonte area, towards local communities and areas affected by digital divide, above all Alpine areas. CSP methodology builds a cooperative table set-up between public administration, research, final users and local businesses, in which each actor is receiving and delivering immaterial and material resources. CSP is member of the ENOLL- European Network of Living Labs (www.openlivinglabs.eu).
CSP Living Labs’ main features are replicability (each lab leads to the identification of a model replicable in similar conditions), technological innovation (each lab investigates innovative technological solutions), economical sustainability (public funds only finance the experimental phase of each lab and sustainability is pursued since the early stage: the trial phase aims at assessing the solution technical efficiency and general usefulness, while the lab outputs need to be are managed by local actors). See methodological notes (http://livinglabs.csp.it/metodologia/).
CSP has developed several Living Labs, in the domains of tourism, agriculture, elderly, digital divide, disabled people, environment monitoring, computer literacy, scientific popularization, energy sustainability, …
Here a list of CSP Living Labs and in the following a description.
OPEN AIR LAB OF VALLI ORCO & SOANA: mountain communities and hard digital divide.
An open-air lab and an original cooperation model to test a complete digitalization process (infrastructures, services, contents) in a mountain valley, aimed to identify a repeatable model to overcome digital divide. Download details.
BORGOLAB DIGITAL VILLAGE: environment monitoring and computer literacy in small municipalities.
Electronic surveillance and environment monitoring of dumps and reuse of disused PCs with simplified software for elderly people, aimed to identify a repeatable model of ICT support to public services and to computer literacy for elderly people. See more details browsing the italian website.
NOVARA LIVING LAB: broadband for knowledge management and dissemination of training contents.
Didactic contents interoperability and exchange, a virtual classroom platform and 3D simulation about safety rules promoting cooperation between secondary schools, university and PA, aimed to identify a repeatable and sustainable model of broadband intensive knowledge exchange. See more details browsing the italian website.
ASTRONOMY NETWORK: scientific popularization of astronomy, by networking Astronomical Observatories.
A broadband network connecting 3 Astronomical Observatories in Piemonte, remote control of telescopes, a web portal showing images in streaming and distant learning for primary schools. It was aimed to identify a repeatable model of cooperation between research bodies and amateurs and of scientific popularization promotion through the web. See more details browsing the italian website.
VIVI VALSESIA: ICT for the promotion of tourism and cultural heritage in Valsesia.
A lab aimed to the valorization of the area cultural heritage (UNESCO World Heritage Site), via the development and testing of a personal guide on Android mobile devices, a system for the generation and delivery of thematic TV channels based on high-definition IP camera network. Main goal was to identify a repeatable model for the use of ICT solutions to support the local tourism system in decentralized areas. See more details browsing the italian website.
SMART VALLEY: ICT for energy sustainability in Val Tiglione.
An open laboratory for trials in the field of energy saving and sustainability, with particular attention to educational buildings, practical energy-saving actions and awareness raising actions on energy consumption addressed to children and young people. Main goal was to identify a repeatable model for testing advanced ICT solutions in support of energy saving. See more details browsing the italian website.
RoeroLAB: ICT for the conservation and enhancement of the commons in Roero area.
An open laboratory for trials in the field of energy saving and sustainability, with particular attention to educational buildings, practical energy-saving actions and awareness raising actions on energy consumption addressed to children and young people. Main goal was to identify a repeatable model for testing advanced ICT solutions in support of energy saving. See more details browsing the italian website.
- ALCOTRA INNOVAZIONE (2010-2013): funded by the EU Alcotra Programme, it was aimed at the establishment of cross-border Living Labs as a way for improving the competitiveness and the innovation capacities of the local areas in four domains: Intelligent Mobility, Smart Energies, E-health and Creative Industries. See www.alcotra-innovazione.eu.
- CENTRALAB- Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (2011-2014): funded by the EU CentralEurope Programme, to transform the eight partner countries into a broad-reaching Laboratory for innovation and to improve the innovative capacity of cross-border production systems. See www.centralivinglab.eu.