A Training day focused on the Open Innovation addressed to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has taken place last June 18th. Within the European project OpenAlps (www.open-alps.eu), the event has been organized by CSP – ICT Innovation, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Turin and the Human+ Foundation.
The session, which has been driven by Eng. Enrico Cattaneo, ESCP Europe Professor and innovation expert, has gained a great interest among the participants, who have shown a deep involvement in the provided activities and have expressed satisfaction towards the main learning outcomes achieved.
During the training day, SMEs have had the opportunity to get in touch with the main aspects related to the paradigm of Open Innovation and have experimented the actual issues and hurdles emerging from the development of an innovation project. Through practical exercises on a real business case, participants have been able to verify their ability to analyze and set up an innovation project, by following an open and collaborative methodology. Moreover, the same concepts and models have been employed by each entrepreneur in order to formulate a proper assessment of the innovation system of their company and try to identify major gaps to be filled with the aim of improving the implementation and the impact of their own innovative projects.