Haladin’s, the CSI and CSP project, hosted by Altay Scientific, at the World Didac Basel, Boot D210
In any indoor environment, many pollutants can be present. These contaminants, released by plastic objects, varnishes and paints, cleaning products, clothes, etc, can have harmful effects for the human health, especially in case of long-term exposure.
In this context, HALADIN’S – HArdware Low-cost for Air quality Detection in INdoor spaces can be a useful control tool.
HALADIN’s is made of a set of sensors for monitoring air quality and comfort in the indoor environment and to provide an indicative assessment of the overall environmental air quality.
HALADIN’s measures the levels of VOCs – Volatile Organic Compounds – and Formaldehyde and gives an indicative assessment of the environmental air quality, through three easy-to-read colored LEDs:
– Green: the indoor air is clean;
– Yellow: the indoor air shows a first level of warning;
– Red: the indoor air quality indicators are above alarm levels.
The device, based on the open source Arduino platform, can also continuously measure other physical parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, luminance. The data collected by the sensors are sent to the system through a Wi-Fi connection at regular intervals and can be viewed in real time on line at www.iotnet.it. Here, you can see both real-time values and historical data series.
HALADIN’s can be used in public places such as schools, libraries and offices to provide a first screening on wide-ranging environmental quality of these indoor environments.
HALADIN’s is a project by CSI-Piemonte, developed by CSP-Innovazione nelle ICT.
Altay Scientific www.altayscientific.com
Started as a family business more than 60 years ago, Altay has grown into a 21st century, international company with operations on 5 continents employing more than 500 people. But, family traditions and values are still the basis of our work. We are ready to meet today’s market demands with the passion and dedication of the past, together with the technology and tools of tomorrow.
CSI – Piedmont www.csi.it
To implement innovative services for public administrations, thereby helping them to be more efficient, modern and to reduce public spending costs. This is the mission of CSI Piemonte, the Information System Consortium to which Piedmont’s Public Administration entrusts the management and implementation of its ICT services. With more than thirty years of experience, CSI works in all PA sectors: from health to production activities, from cultural heritage to administrative systems and from the territory to professional training and employment.
Founded in 1977 by the Piedmont Region and the University and Polytechnic of Turin, CSI is recognised at national and international level. Today, the Consortium includes over 100 of Piedmont’s public bodies: in addition to its founders, the City of Turin, all the Provinces, many Municipalities and associated forms, Health Agencies and Hospitals and other Agencies.
CSP – Innovation in ICT www.csp.it
CSP is the regional research body in the field of information and communications technology. It operates on a local, national and international level, performing experimental development and industrial research in accordance with the European norms on Innovation and R&D. Its shareholders are: Regione Piemonte, CSI-Piemonte, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, Comune di Torino, Unione Industriale di Torino, SISVEL S.p.A. and IREN Energia S.p.A CSP is a research laboratory accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certification.
Press office – Altay Scientific
Laura Settefrati
Tel. +39 06 94550520 l.settefrati@altayscientific.com
Press Office – CSI Piemonte
+39 346.6946901 comunicazione@csi.it
Press office – CSP Innovazione nelle ICT
Maria Costanza Candi
+39 3486096100 candi@csp.it