The digital games market is a fast growing market within Creative Industries sector: the global demand for digital games is expected to grow 10% annually in the next years. Games could represent a new source of growth for European economy, but many regions are still missing adequate policies and funding schemes which could sustain this market. Further, funding and support mechanisms often do not meet the special needs of the small innovative game developers.
Aim of the BOO-Games project is to support the public regional development authorities in understanding the importance of the games industry for the European economy. Particularly, it focuses on the challenges policy makers are either not yet aware of or which they are already facing, as game relevant questions move up on the political agenda due to their economical and societal impact.
Thus the project centres on different elements, among them: public funding, private investment incentives, talent incubation, cluster development and improvement of public perception of digital games potential as well as risk management for public authorities in the communication on game related matters. Matching together regions more advance in this field (as France, Germany and UK), with regions with less experience, the project will promote mutual learning and by mean of interregional cooperation it will improve the effectiveness of local development policies targeting the digital interactive media strategy.