Which is the added value for enterprises of the online collaboration with social tools?
The workshop, organized by the European project DE-LAN (www.delanproject.eu), aims at analyzing methodologies and tools for the digital cooperation within organizations and among business systems, as a tool to improve competitiveness and efficiency.
During the workshop, a new technological asset from CSP will be presented: NICE, a collaborative open source environment which includes wiki, blog and social network.
DE-LAN-Digital Ecosystems-Learning Application Network(www.delanproject.eu) , is a European project funded by the INTERREG IVC Program, in which 9 regions were involved – Piemonte, Lazio, Galles, Estremadura, Castiglia La Mancia, Visocina (Czech Republic), Kaunas (Lithuania), Koroška (Slovenia) to share experiences and competences in the field of Digital Ecosystem, Living Lab e Networked Business, local development models based on collaborative online environments.
The workshop takes place on September 25, 10.30-12.00, at the Ordine degli Architetti of Turin, via Giolitti, 1.