Digital Business Collaboration 2012. The DE-LAN final conference in Cardiff UK

Digital Business Collaboration 2012. The DE-LAN final conference in Cardiff UK
September 19, 2012 CSP_admin
The Final DE-LAN Conference “Digital Business Collaboration 2012”, taking place at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff on 18th October, will demonstrate how smaller businesses and organisations can enhance their competitiveness and widen their markets by working together through digital technology.

The event will provide practical advice from industry experts and live examples showing how enterprises can work together in digital business networks, in order to achieve cost efficiencies, to help develop new products and improve services, to promote market offerings more widely, to allow enterprises to become more innovative.

Business representatives attending will hear about successful digital collaboration already taking place across Europe and discover how they could benefit from following their example to compete in today’s dynamic, global markets. The conference will also guide policymakers and stakeholders on how they can help shape the right environment to encourage and enable successful and sustainable digital business collaboration in their own regions. Case studies showing collaboration successes will be presented at the event

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DE-LAN Digital Ecosystems-Learning Application Network ( is a project co-financed by the INTERREG IVC program, which has involved in 9 regions – Piemonte, Lazio, Wales, Extremadura, Castile La Mancha, Visocina (Czech Republic ), Kaunas (Lithuania), Koroška (Slovenia), in order to share experience and expertise in the field of Digital Ecosystem, Living Labs and Networked Business: these are local development models based on online collaborative environments.


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