Posts tagged with ‘living lab’

  • IoTibevo project: launch event in Settimo Torinese

    The IOTIBEVO project, funded via ERDF Piemonte,  works on the water user behavior analysis and on new service models in…

  • A growing Iot platform

    IotNet the internet of thing – Iot – platform is growing with more that 32 billion data recorded since from…

  • Living Labs at the 62th “Mercoledì di NEXA”

    Sergio Duretti, CSP’s Managing Director, presents the Living Lab model and two Living lab cases at the 62nd “Mercoledì di…

  • Spectrum sensing and white spaces

    The article, titled “Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive TV White-Spaces Systems“, is the result of  CSP R&D wrk on white spaces and…

  • OpenAlps at the CentraLab international workshop in Torino

    CSP presents the OpenAlps project and the Open Innovation approach at the international workshop of the CentraLab- Central European Living…

  • CSP at SMAU Bologna

    CSP continues its road show in the frame of SMAU, the International traveling exhibition of ICT. SMAU allows visitors to…

  • Alcotra Innovation: the Innovation day

    Scheduled on June the 5th, Alcotra Innovation day, is a dissemination event part of the Alcotra Innovation project, aimed to…

  • CSP signs an agreement with Lepida in Emilia Romagna Region

    CSP has signed a R&D cooperation agreement with Lepida Spa, the operational tool of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government for the…

  • Digital Cocktail at the Alpine Spring Festival

    The Digital Cocktail, part of the Alpine Spring Festival, is taking place in EURAC, Bolzano (Italy), on March the 8th.…

  • DE-LAN – Workshop “Digital Business Ecosystems” at the SOCIAL MEDIA WEEK!

    Which is the added value for enterprises of the online collaboration with social tools? The workshop, organized by the European…
