The BOO-GAMES final conference is held in Birmingham, UK, in November 20th and 21st 2014, contributing actively to the Launch Future Gaming…
Boo-Games is a European project devoted to promote the gaming industry in Europe. A new study visit on the 24 and…
Within, the European project aimed at promoting gaming industry in Europe, CSP delegates are participating to a study visit in…
The 3rd BOO-GAMES Thematic Seminar on “Supporting Games: Funding Opportunities and Communication Challenges” takes place in Stuttgart (DE), within the…
The Final DE-LAN Conference “Digital Business Collaboration 2012”, taking place at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff on 18th October,…
Which is the added value for enterprises of the online collaboration with social tools? The workshop, organized by the European…
CSP proposes to enterprises and policy makers a chance to discuss about cooperative digital environments; the seminar is organized thanks…
TOSM 2011 edition will take place in Torino in November 2011 (16 to 18th November) and the Regione Piemonte space…