Archive for February, 2015

  • New EMMA MOOCs online

    EMMA, the European MOOC aggregator, announces a new progamme of free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), available from February 25th.…

  • Haladin’s in GESS in Dubai

    GESS- Global Education Supply and Solutions is an international fair focusing on technology and devices for scientific education, held in…

  • IoTibevo project: launch event in Settimo Torinese

    The IOTIBEVO project, funded via ERDF Piemonte,  works on the water user behavior analysis and on new service models in…

  • Innovation and learning 2.0 in the open knowledge culture

    A seminar, organized by ENGIM training center in Rome, takes stock of the 2.0 teaching and innovation brought by open…
