Author archive for CSP_admin

  • RadioHack kickoff section at EBU 2014 – Geneva

    The EBU 2014 Conference is held in Geneva – CH, in February the 10th, and it is part of the…

  • Safer Internet Day 2014: three conferences in Torino

    For the Safer Internet Day scheduled for February 11th, 2014, the IIS Maxwell of Nichelino (Turin) is organizing three meetings…

  • Spectrum sensing and white spaces

    The article, titled “Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive TV White-Spaces Systems“, is the result of  CSP R&D wrk on white spaces and…

  • The INCA-Interactive Content Architecture- project results

    The INCA project presents its final results on January 28 at the Polytechnic of Turin. INCA- Interactive Content Architecture is…

  • Boo-Games: the mid-term international conference in Malta

    The International Conference and Workshop on validation of good practices is hosted by Temi Zammit Foundation, one of the Boo…

  • Speaky Acutattile at the TAL Forum 2014

    The TAL Forum, in Torino on January the 21st and 22nd, is a very relevant meeting chance for experts of…

  • Horizon 2020 workshops for SMEs

    CSP and ISI Foundation are hosting three seminars about Horizon 2020, promoted by the Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita – CRT.…

  • Awareness and Learning in Participatory Noise Sensing

    CSP has developed, within the Everyaware EU project, the WideNoise app, focused on noise pollution and social media data collection. WideNoise…

  • Medea Awards 2013

    For the second year running, a French university has taken the top professional award at the MEDEA Awards with the…

  • APIC-Airprobe International Challenge

    The APIC – AirProbe International Challenge – is an international competition, developed within the Everyaware EU project, devoted to collect…
